Awaken Your Inner Awesomeness with Melissa Oatman-A daily dose of spirituality and self improvement
Are you ready to start a journey of personal growth and spiritual development? Look no further! This captivating podcast is here to help you live a more authentic and joyful life. Whether you’re going through a spiritual awakening or just looking for ways to improve your well-being, this podcast is perfect for you. Join us as we explore topics like self-improvement, manifestation, transforming your mindset, finding spiritual enlightenment, relieving anxiety, and even unlocking your psychic abilities. Get ready to discover the secrets to a more fulfilling and empowered life!
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Give Up Your Worries
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Thursday Feb 06, 2020
Are you allowing worry over a certain situation or area of your life to dominate your thoughts? If you are, then you are robbing yourself of your personal peace. Worry does absolutely no good for us. It doesn’t help change the situation. All it does is cause us pain, stress, and anxiety. Plus, when you worry, you are forgetting that the Universe has your back. You aren’t trusting the process. You are resisting what the Universe is trying to bring you. You are out of alignment with what you want, and you are out of the flow of life. Trust that the Universe has your back and that everything works out in Divine timing.
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Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Standing Strong in the Waves of Life
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
Wednesday Feb 05, 2020
If you have ever been in the ocean, then you know that the waves can get rough. You can either stand with your back to the waves and get knocked off of your feet, or you can stand facing the waves ready to ride them with ease. Life is very much like a wave. We can either allow it to wash over us and overwhelm us, or we can face it, go with the flow, and enjoy the ride. The choice is yours. You can either be a victim to life or be a victor to yourself. What will you choose.
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Venmo @Melissa-Ann-161
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Don’t Stop Chasing Your Dreams
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Tuesday Feb 04, 2020
Do you have a dream that you keep chasing, but it seems like you are just never going to reach it? The Universe is asking you not to give up on your dreams. Sometimes when we try to achieve our dreams, we tend to rely only on ourselves. When we do that, we are relying on our ego. Our ego stands for Edging God Out. We need to rely on our entire spiritual team to help us in achieving our dreams. You have everything you need to be successful right now. Instead of trying to do everything on your own, why not try asking your spiritual team for help? They are here to guide us and give us answers, but we have to ask for their help. You can actually achieve your dreams today. It is possible for you to succeed. You simply need to believe in yourself and ask your team for guidance.
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Venmo @Melissa-Ann-161
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Disconnecting With Love
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Monday Feb 03, 2020
Do you feel the presence of someone’s else’s energy or the energy from a past event? As empaths, we sometimes pick up on energy that is not our own. It’s important to understand why you are picking up on this energy and to be able to let it go. Sometimes when we’re feeling the energy of someone else or of a past situation, there’s a lesson that we need to learn. We can always ask what that lesson is, and then let it go with love. We don’t need to hold onto energy that no longer serves us. It’s super important to learn how to let go of old energy. In today’s episode, I explain how.
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Venmo @Melissa-Ann-161
Friday Jan 31, 2020
It Gets Better
Friday Jan 31, 2020
Friday Jan 31, 2020
If you are going through a spiritual awakening, then you have probably experienced a lot of emotional turmoil. It’s easy to get lost in all of the sadness and emotional upheaval. The Universe wants you to know today that it does get better, and that it’s important for you to focus on being gentle and kind to yourself during this process. Like any process, it takes time to get through this. You will get through this and come out on the other side better. Until then, it’s super important for you to take it easy on yourself and to be gentle with yourself. You deserve to be loved, especially by yourself.
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Venmo @Melissa-Ann-161
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Your Vibration Matters
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Thursday Jan 30, 2020
Have you often felt drained or sluggish? It’s possible that you have low vibrating energy. When your energy is vibrating at a low rate, it can cause emotional drainage, difficulty connecting to your intuition, and many other things. It is super important that your vibration is high. If you are hoping to live your absolute best life, which is a life where you can manifest your dreams, then you need to have high vibrating energy. In today’s episode, I talk about the different ways that you can raise your energy vibration. Raise your vibration today so that you can live your best life.
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Venmo @Melissa-Ann-161
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Trust Your Inner Voice
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Are you relying too much on other people’s opinions to help you govern your life? We all have a belt and energy GPS. That GPS is our intuition.Our intuition connects uto our higher selves. Our higher selves already know what’s best for us. We already know what we should be doing in our lives. So many of us ignore our intuition and rely on the advice of others to help us make important decisions. The Universe is asking you to stop relying on others and to look within for the answers that you are seeking. Your soul already knows what to do. It’s time to start listening.
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Venmo @Melissa-Ann-161
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Clear Visions
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
Tuesday Jan 28, 2020
When you are hoping to manifest your heart’s true desires, it is important that you get a clear vision of what you want. Sometimes we ask the Universe for a random thing, and we aren’t specific about why we would want this. It’s important to understand why you are hoping to manifest the things you want to manifest. When we get a clear vision, it is easier for the Universe to bring us what’s rightfully ours. Sit down today with your thoughts and journal what it is that makes you want what it is that you want to manifest. When you have a clear vision, the universe can start working in your favor.
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Venmo @Melissa-Ann-161
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Getting Through Pain
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Monday Jan 27, 2020
Experiencing painful situations is a part of every day life. Unfortunately, we all have to experience pain. Today I’m talking to you about how to get through the pain with grace and ease. Every painful situation teaches us a lesson, and it’s up to us to figure out what that lesson is. We have a choice every day about whether we’re going to let our pain make us bitter or make us better. It’s up to you to decide how you’re going to let this pain change you. Are you going to let it make you a better person, or will it make you a better person? We can use pain to allow us to grow and change for the better. Use grace and ease to help you move through your pain and see the miracles that await you on the other side.
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Venmo @Melissa-Ann-161
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Divine Timing
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Friday Jan 24, 2020
Sometimes it seems like we can’t see the things we want happening. Just because we can’t see them happening in the 3-D does not mean they are not happening. The Universe is working behind the scenes on our behalf to bring us what is for our highest good. The Universe knows the timing that’s right. What is meant for us will come to us when it’s the right time. It’s hard to be patiently wait, but it is so important. When you get impatient, it is because you are out of alignment with what it is that you want. We usually get out of alignment when we become impatient about the things that we are asking for. It’s time to get back into alignment with what you want, get in the flow, and let things come to you easily. Trust that the universe has your back.
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Transform Your Life
I created this podcast to help you learn, grow, and transform. Transforming your life is all about unlearning old thoughts and behaviors in order to adopt new and better ones. I cover a wide range of topics from mindset shifting to human design. Whether you want to be motivated, inspired, or you want to grow spiritually, this podcast can help you do all of that and more. If you want to work with me, so I can help you in your transformation journey, go to: and book a free discovery call with me today.